A Mozaic of Light and Colour: Fort Lauderdale Airport, Florida

Imaginative lighting design can make even the most generic and impersonal of spaces more engaging. No public space as quite as functional or utilitarian than an airport, however in Fort Lauderdale in Florida designers have created a unique lighting installation which gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “keeping an eye on the time”.
The clock has long been an obligatory fixture within most transport hubs, from bus and train stations to airports, but this new lighting installation has built on the idea of a standard functional feature and using creative lighting have created a full scale installation by the name of Mozaic to welcome airport visitors.

Mozaic has reimagined the concept of keeping time and has replaced the traditional clock face with a lighting colour spectrum integrated into the architecture of the terminal. Mozaic is a large-scale installation over 240ft long, and visible from multiple airport levels, displaying a continually changing chromatic colour spectrum over a one-hour period.
Units of time are also marked by visual cues, with striking visual changes marking the turn of each hour, and smaller subtler changes marking the quarter hours and passing minutes. Mozaic utilises Color Kinetics Purestyle Intelligent Color Powercore, RGBA LED lights and is faced on both sides by translucent glass supported by an aluminium structure.

The installation was commissioned by Broward County Aviation Department as part of the county’s Public Art and Design Program with the concept being designed and actualised by Electroland principal Cameron McNall.